Welcome To IoTSA 2023

The Internet-of-Things (IoT) is a novel paradigm to interconnect a multitude of heterogeneous physical objects and devices by sensors and networks. It also significantly provides an umbrella for a series of critical building technologies including wireless sensor networks (WSNs), fifth generation (5G) networks, and RFID. The philosophy of the IoT is to develop an intelligent, dynamic, large-scale, and coherent network framework for a wide range of applications and industries. Due to its potential advantages and merits such as high reliability, good scalability and intelligent capacity, the IoT has attracted great attentions and interests from both academia and industry.

Organized by Hubei Zhongke Institute of Geology and Environment Technology and American Society for Science and Technology2023 International Workshop on Internet-of-Things Systems and Applications will be held in Hangzhou, China on Nov. 9th-11th, 2023. At the workshop, the cutting-edge technologies, latest research results will be presented and shared, also, future innovations and collaborations will be stimulated through communication and discussion. IoTSA 2023 tries to provide an excellent international conference for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and its applications in agriculture, education etc..

Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the following areas, but are not limited to: Multimedia and artificial intelligence; Intelligent algorithms and optimization; Security issues on Internet of things and intelligence; Smart agriculture and intelligent applications.

The conference program consists of registration, keynote sessions, invited talks, oral sessions, poster sessions and social activities.


Accepted and registered short and full papers will be included in the conference proceedings, and submitted to databases like Ei Compendex, SCOPUS, Google Scholar etc.

A selection of excellent papers can be recommended to submit to journals for publication.

Key Dates

Final Paper SubmissionOct. 1st, 2023
Final RegistrationOct. 15th, 2023
Main Conference

Nov 9th-11th, 2023


Nov. 9th, 2023: Registration+Conference Materials Collection

Nov. 10th, 2023: Keynote Session+Parallel Sessions

Nov. 11th, 2023: Parallel Sessions+Social Networking Event


Manuscript can be submitted via online submission system or send the queries to secretary@iwiotsa.com.

Only original papers will be considered. The manuscripts must not be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere, or under review by any other conference or publication during the review cycle.

Authors are encouraged to check the similarity rate of their manuscript before submission. Papers with suspection of plagiarism, self-plagiarism, repeated publication etc. will be rejected without further consideration.

Call for Papers

Architectures of IoT systems 
Artificial intelligence for IoT
Big data and IoT 
Applications of Internet of things 
IoT design methodologies
Actuator and acting technologies
5G and IoT Applications 
Energy IoT applications
Healthcare IoT applications
Agriculture IoT applications
Transportation IoT applications
End-Edge-Cloud network systems
Industrial IoT applications
IoT and Data Management

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Poster Dimension

Dimensions for the conference poster are height for 1189 and width for 841 mm.

Paper Template

Please prepare your submissions by using the following templates provided. Please download the paper template here: Paper Template; Abstract Template

Committee Application

Academics and practitioners working in the field of IoT and related areas are welcome to join the conference committee. If you would like to be considered as a member of a conference committee or as a reviewer for the conference, please send an email to secretary@iwiotsa.com together with your latest CV.

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Review Process

There is a two-stage review process on all submitted papers, conducted and decisioned by the publication chair/co-chairs.

1. Preliminary review: Preliminary review is set to check the fundamental elements of the manuscripts such as length, topic, clarity and accuracy of English, quality of tables and images, originality, competing interest and etc.  

2. Peer review: Manuscript passing the preliminary review will be sent out for peer review. Up to four experts who have sound publication record of the matched research interests will review the manuscript carefully.

Listener Registration

Participants are welcome to join in this event as listeners without submitting any short/full papers. Please contact secretary@iwiotsa.com for more information.

Online Presentation

With the continuous impact of COVID-19 pandemic on travel and health, it is not easy for everyone participate the symposium physically. Therefore, we will provide a hybrid participation style of both in physical (Hangzhou, China) and online for all participants. Please contact secretary@iwiotsa.com for more information. 

Invitation Letter

An invitation letter is available upon request. 

A Letter of Invitation is a proof that your paper submission and registration application are accepted by the conference committee board. It will be stated in English and may help with your visa application.

Welcome to Join Technical Committee

IoTSA is a global conference that provides an academic platform for renowned experts and scholars to exchange ideas and researches under the topic of IoT. If you are interested in contributing to Conference Committee or would like to know more information, feel free to contact us at secretary@iwiotsa.com.