Call for Papers

IoTSA 2023 solicits contributions of abstracts, short/full papers and posters that address themes and topics of the conference. The topics of interest include, but not limited to the following:

Architectures of IoT systems 
Artificial intelligence for IoT
Big data and IoT 
Applications of Internet of things 
IoT design methodologies
Actuator and acting technologies
5G and IoT Applications 
Energy IoT applications
Healthcare IoT applications
Agriculture IoT applications
Transportation IoT applications
End-Edge-Cloud network systems
Industrial IoT applications
IoT and Data Management 
IoT and Social benefits/impact 
IoT and sustainable development
IoT for Smart Cities 
IoT network protocol algorithms
IoT applications Modeling
IoT network systems
IoT security, privacy and trust
IoT data processing systems
IoT applications reliability
Security and privacy of IoT 
Supply chain for IoT
Cloud computing and IoT 
Business system for IoT